FOS TV Packages
Video Packages (Faces of Success TV)
$239.88 Yearly Subscription /Membership- 144 video reposts on Faces of Success Radio Social Media Pages. (First-time memberships receive 20% discount.)
$119.94 6 Month Subscription/Membership- 72 video reposts on Faces of Success Radio Social Media Pages.
$19.95 Monthly Subscription/Membership – 12 video reposts a month on Faces of Success Radio Social Media Pages.
*7 Day Free Trial Available, with automatic membership renewal. Credit or Debit Card must be provided at the time of registration, but will not be charged until after 7-day expiration date. **Per registration, there will be a $1 charge on your card for validity and verification. *
* All video submissions must be of professional broadcast quality. No explicit language, nudity, and or adult content accepted. All videos will be evaluated and approved before posting. *
*All memberships are automatically added to Faces of Success TV artist roster. *
(Promo Packages available upon request.)
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